cast iron

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:

Katso myös: non-iron, hallintoalamainen, vaalikarja, hengentuote, kaunosieluinen


cast iron

  1. rauta, Fe, atominumero 26, seosrauta, valurautaseos, valurauta, perliitti, harkkorauta, raakarauta, takkirauta.

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valurauta A hard and brittle, but strong, alloy of iron, carbon, and silicon, formed by casting in a mould.

Cast iron is popular for cookware where an even heating temperature is important.

puhekieltä Made of Noun cast iron.

I use a cast-iron skillet for frying pancakes.

(quote-book)|year=2008|page=58|isbn=978-0-7890-2912-6|passage=Three small gelignite bombs, with pocket watch timing devices, were concealed in packets small enough to fit through the slot of the standard cast-iron post box, the cylindrical bright red colored boxes so common throughout London.
durable Durable; tough; resiliant.

Ernest has a cast-iron constitution and never gets sick.

inflexible Inflexible or without exception.

The schools cast-iron policy on admissions fees left no leeway for needy students.''

2016, Rod Liddle, What makes the white working class angry? Twits like Hsiao-Hung Pai (in The Spectator, 19 March 2016)
As far as her own theories are concerned, she is limitlessly credulous, to a degree which makes me suspect that she is a cast-iron idiot.


  • "Steiner: Then I will show you, where the Iron Crosses grow."


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